

The SGS Group is committed to the responsible handling and protection of your personal data.

我们制作此声明是为了向您提供清晰易懂的信息,说明您在访问或使用我们的网站(74rq.onesourcehomeinspection.com 或其本地等同机构),以便您就SGS使用您的个人资料作出明智的选择.

When accessing other services or applications through our website, please read the specific privacy conditions which may apply to them.

SGS保留不时更新本声明的权利,并在网上发布新版本. 本声明最后一次更新于2018年5月.

当此声明指SGS时, 这意味着SGS是您数据的控制者, namely the SGS Affiliates with which you had, 有或将有业务关系,或以其他方式决定您的哪些数据被收集和如何使用, as well as SGS SA (Registration number CHE-105.923.438年瑞士). You may obtain a list of SGS Affiliates by visiting the 办公室目录.

SGS collects personal data that you provide to us directly when you request information about our services; subscribe to our website services, 电子邮件 notifications and/or newsletters; make an enquiry through our different enquiry forms and helplines such as our Integrity Helpline; or carry out a transaction or place an order through our website. 这可能包括:

  • 识别和联系数据,如姓名, 姓, 职称, 电话号码, 电子邮件, 地址和国家
  • Financial and transactional data such as credit card details
  • Any information that you voluntarily share with us such as feedback, opinions or information provided via any of our helplines 

SGS also collects personal data automatically when you visit our website. 这可能包括:

  • 设备信息,如IP地址, 参考网站, SGS pages your device visited and the time that your device visited our website
  • Internet日志信息及详细信息, collected through our third parties such as Google Analytics, 这并不能明确指明你的身份
  • Information collected by cookies (for further information please see the 饼干的政策)

SGS will use your personal data for the following different purposes:

  • 改进我们的网站,以确保以最有效的方式为您和您的设备呈现内容
  • 就您可能感兴趣的全球彩票app和活动向您发送电子邮件并通过电子邮件与您沟通,前提是这符合您的营销偏好
  • To analyze your use of our website for trend monitoring and promotional purposes
  • To respond to enquiries and comments and provide you with support via communication channels, 例如客户或呼叫中心支持
  • To keep our website safe and secure and comply with our legal requirements and obligations
  • To perform or finalize any transaction or order which you have placed on SGS Group websites
  • 设置和管理您的用户帐户
  • To share it with SGS Group companies so that they may offer you their products or services 
  • For any other new purpose for which we notify you before collecting any personal data

SGS仅根据所有隐私惯例和当地隐私要求共享和传输您的个人数据. 我们偶尔会分享一些无关个人的东西, anonymized and statistical data with third parties for our own business purposes.

The following are the parties with whom we may share personal information and why:

  1. 其他SGS集团公司以及SGS拥有超过50%股权的公司,如果需要满足您提交个人资料的目的,特别是提供全球彩票app的需要, 帐户管理, 销售, 营销和支持. 我们采取措施确保SGS分支机构, 包括位于欧洲经济区以外的公司, 遵守我们的全球数据保护政策, this privacy statement and applicable local law when handling personal data.
  2. 偶尔会向代表SGS履行某些职能的第三方承包商和供应商提供, 比如取样品和送样品, 履行检验订单, 发送电子邮件, removing repetitive information from client lists, analyzing data and processing credit card payments, 直销全球彩票app, 云托管全球彩票app. 这些方只能在履行其职能所需的情况下访问此类信息,不得将其用于向我们提供全球彩票app以外的任何目的.
  3. 出于某种原因, 由SGS全权决定, SGS认为这样做是合理的, 包括满足任何定律, 规定, or governmental or legal requests for such information; in the event of a merger, 出售, 重组, 收购, joint venture or assignment to disclose information that is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Business Principles values or other terms and conditions; or to otherwise protect the SGS Group of companies.

SGS将保留您的个人资料一段必要的时间,以完成收集这些资料的原始目的. 请记住,在某些情况下,法律可能要求或允许更长的保存期限,或允许SGS追求其商业利益, 进行审计, 遵守我们的法律义务, enforce our agreements or resolve any dispute.

The criteria used to determine our retention periods include:

  • 为您提供我们的产品或全球彩票app或经营我们的业务需要多长时间的数据?
  • 您在我们这里有账户吗? 在这种情况下, 我们将在您的帐户处于活动状态时或根据需要向您提供全球彩票app时保留您的数据
  • Are we subject to a legal, contractual, or similar obligation to retain your data? Examples can include mandatory data retention laws in the applicable jurisdiction, government orders to preserve data relevant to an investigation, or data that must be retained for the purposes of contract or litigation

SGS在存储和披露您提供给我们的信息时遵循严格的安全程序,以防止未经授权的访问, 遗失或毁坏您的个人资料. 这些可能包括:

  • 物理安全措施, 有上锁的门和文件柜, 控制使用我们设施的权限,并安全销毁包含您个人资料的媒体
  • 技术保障措施, like the use of anti-virus and endpoint protection software, 并监控我们的系统和数据中心,以确保它们符合我们的安全政策 
  • 组织保障措施, like training and awareness programs on security and privacy, 确保雇员明白保护你个人资料的重要性和方法

SGS does not seek to collect sensitive personal data (also known as special categories of data). If we do so we will always collect the data in accordance with local data privacy requirements. If you choose to provide us with unsolicited sensitive personal data, 您将被要求在个案基础上使用特定的明确同意书同意我们处理此类数据.

SGS does not knowingly collect or solicit personal data from anyone under the age of 16. 如果你未满16岁, 在您向SGS提供任何个人信息之前,请先征得您的父母/监护人的同意,因为没有他们的同意, you are not allowed to provide us with your personal data. If we learn that we have collected data from a person aged under 16, we reserve the right to delete such data with no prior notification or consent.



如果你已经注册了一个帐户 74rq.onesourcehomeinspection.com 和/或其本地等价物, 您可以直接和自主地访问您的在线个人资料和其他个人信息并更新, 修改, 如果法律允许的话, 通过使用您的帐户凭证登录到适用的网站或全球彩票app来添加或删除您自己的数据.

否则, and in accordance with our internal procedures, we will respond to the following requests as described below. 所有请求均应通过我们的 网上私隐要求表格 or by contacting us in writing as described in the section “contact us”:

  • 查阅个人资料: 您有权要求我们持有您的个人资料,但须符合我们核实身份的权利. 如果您要求获得您的数据副本, 我们可能会向您收取费用, except where this is not permissible under local law.
  • 更正和删除: 在一些司法管辖区, including the EU (according to data protection laws for data subjects in the EU), 如果您的个人资料不准确或需要更新,您有权更正或修改您的个人资料. You may also have the right to request the deletion of your personal information, 然而,由于法律要求和保存此类数据的其他义务,这可能并不总是可行的. 如果我们被要求删除您的数据, 我们可能会保留一些有关您的最低限度的信息,以便能够证明我们已经履行了我们的义务.
  • 提出投诉: 任何关于我们遵守本声明中所述惯例的投诉,都将按照这里所述的方式处理. 在一些司法管辖区, 包括根据欧盟的数据保护法来处理来自欧盟主体的投诉, you have the right to lodge a formal complaint with a data protection authority.
  • 营销的偏好: SGS may send you regular marketing communications about our services, 通过不同的渠道,比如电子邮件, 电话, 短信, postal mailings and third-party social networks, 根据相关的市场法律. When required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent before starting these activities.

In order to provide you with the best personalized experience, these communications may be tailored to your preferences by using our 订阅中心. Our targeted 电子邮件s contain 电子邮件 messages which use web beacons, cookies and similar technologies to allow us to know whether you open, read or delete the message and which links you open. When you open a link in a marketing 电子邮件 you receive from SGS, 我们还将使用cookie记录您从我们的网站浏览了哪些页面以及下载了哪些内容, even if you are not registered or signed into our site.

除了, 您可以通过选择退出我们发送给您的电子邮件来行使阻止向您发送营销通信的权利. 在这种情况下, 我们将保留最少的个人数据,以提醒您选择退出,以避免再次与您联系. Please note that even if you opt out from receiving marketing communications, you might still receive administrative communications from us, such as technical updates for our products or services, 订单确认, 关于您的帐户活动的通知, 还有其他重要的注意事项.

If you have questions or concerns about your privacy, please write to us: